Highlights from Endeavour Vent Fields 2024
Ocean Exploration Trust (OET) and Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) have spent days diving on the Endeavour Vent Fields and surrounding areas connected to ONC’s NEPTUNE Observatory. ONC’s Endeavour monitoring site is within the Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents Marine Protected Area (MPA) and is well-known for its large smoking chimneys and diverse biodiversity. ONC and OET have provided near-continuous monitoring of hydrothermal vents for over a decade, allowing scientists to study the unique inhabitants of this bustling ecosystem.
Enjoy this highlight reel of some of the best moments from the NA161 expedition, including ROV Hercules’ exploration of the famous Godzilla hydrothermal vent. Spot a shimmering flange pool and some impressive geological shapes reminiscent of a fairytale, and check out the life found in this hostile environment, including scale worms, tube worms, and crustaceans covered in bacterial mats.
Learn more about the #ONCabyss NA161 expedition funded by Ocean Networks Canada: https://nautiluslive.org/cruise/na161

#ONCAbyss Summer 2024
This expedition brings E/V Nautilus to the Northeastern Pacific Ocean for the eighth year of the partnership between Ocean Networks Canada and OET.