
Nautilus Live and the Nautilus Exploration Program are operated by the non-profit organization Ocean Exploration Trust (OET), founded in 2007 by Dr. Robert Ballard to engage in pure ocean exploration. Our international programs center on scientific exploration of the seafloor, innovating new ways and technologies to conduct that exploration, and engaging and educating the next generation on the significance of STEM and ocean science.  Our expeditions are launched from aboard Exploration Vessel (E/V) Nautilus —a 68-meter research vessel — and also from other vessels OET charters to deploy our mobile ROV system. During our expeditions, we offer explorers on shore via live video, audio, and data feeds from the field in addition to ship-to-shore interactions with classrooms and learning venues for students. We bring educators and students of all ages aboard during E/V Nautilus expeditions, offering them hands-on experience in ocean exploration, research, and communications.​

Sharing the stories of science, technology, and people behind ocean exploration is a key component of OET’s education mission, and we strive to make our content easily available to media outlets. 

OET Press Kit

Our general press kit includes high-resolution topside videos and photos, fact sheets, and press releases about our latest expedition, and technology aboard E/V Nautilus.

Underwater Imagery

The Nautilus Live media gallery features high-resolution photos available for download directly from our website, and embeddable videos from our current and past expeditions.

Underwater Footage

Underwater footage available to license may be searched for on the Nautilus Live YouTube channel and original files for any of these videos can be requested for delivery. 

Contact Us

For more information or inquiries about the Ocean Exploration Trust, E/V Nautilus, or our expeditions, Contact Us.

About OET

Ocean Exploration Trust (OET) and the Nautilus Exploration Program aim to explore the ocean.


Get a sneak peek of where we're headed next or revisit the discoveries of our past expeditions.

Meet the Team

The international Nautilus Corps of Exploration consists of engineers, scientists, technologists, educators, students, and mariners.