Christopher Thierauf
Tell us about your work/ research. What kinds of things do you do?
I develop software to support the deployment of the Sentry AUV and to add new features to Sentry that enable scientists to gain access to the deep-sea.
What sparked your initial interest in your career?
My interest in robotics and artificial intelligence was sparked during my undergraduate studies, where I was fascinated by the potential of machines to interact with humans and make autonomous decisions. In graduate school, my research focused on cognitive architectures and machine learning, with a special emphasis on resilience in autonomous robots and human-robot interaction. All of these tie in to systems that are capable of autonomously explore and gain information in challenging environments, which led to my work at WHOI.
Who influenced you or encouraged you the most?
My biggest influence was being given access to a wide variety technical resources and opportunities throughout undergrad, which allowed me to deepen my knowledge and further my interest in a variety of robotics-related fields.
What element of your work/ study do you think is the most fascinating?
I'm most excited by the ability to work on a complex robotic system that enables a wide variety of scientific exploration, while also having the opportunity to participate in fieldwork. Being able to get involved in such a broad range of research is a constantly changing challenge that I find very rewarding.
How did you get involved with Ocean Exploration Trust? How did you become part of the expedition team?
I became involved with the Ocean Exploration Trust through my work at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
What other jobs led you to your current career?
I started as a software engineer focusing on robotics and human-robot interaction, after which I began research in HRI and field robotics before starting at WHOI.
What are your degrees and certifications?
Bachelors of Science in Computer Science -- Wentworth Institute of Technology 2020
Masters of Science in Computer Science and Human-Robot Interaction -- Tufts University 2023
What are your hobbies?
Most of my hobbies involve being in the outdoors: I really enjoy backpacking and bouldering.
What advice would you give someone who wants to have a career like yours?
If you're interested in a career in robotics and AI, my advice is to build a strong foundation in both the technical and theoretical aspects of these fields. Engage in interdisciplinary studies, combining robotics, AI, and and fields that these skills can apply to (such as oceanography or cognitive science). Practical experience through internships, research projects, and collaboration with experienced professionals is invaluable.
Christopher participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: