Congratulations 2024 Science and Engineering Interns

After reviewing nearly 400 competitive applications, Ocean Exploration Trust is excited to announce the fifteen participants selected to join our upcoming Nautilus expedition season as part of the Science and Engineering Internship Program! These newest Corps of Exploration members bring unique perspectives and varied professional experiences while representing communities across the United States, US territories, Palau, Taiwan, Japan, and the United Kingdom. Congratulations to all the participants!
2024 Science and Engineering Internship Program
Our internships train students in the at-sea environment and provide real-world experience to further develop academic interests and professional career paths via participation in the Nautilus Exploration Program. These interns come from community college, undergraduate, and graduate programs across disciplines from ocean and atmospheric science, seafloor mapping, video systems engineering, wildlife film programs, underwater vehicle engineering, aerospace engineering, and vessel operations.
At sea, they work among a wide array of scientists, engineers, students, and educators whose goal is to support their learning and create an exciting, enriching, and positive ship experience. All interns gain experience in communications and leadership, including participation in educational outreach activities like broadcasts on and live ship-to-shore classroom interactions with learners around the world. This internship program opportunity is made possible with support from the Office of Naval Research STEM Program.
Ocean Science Interns
Le'iato “Liua” Liualevaiosina | University of University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Leela Madhava | University of Washington
Meangeldil "Ayla" Azuma Malsol | University of the Ryukyus
Vicente "Vincent" Abedneko | National Sun Yat-sen University
Final participant to be confirmed
Video Systems Engineering Interns
Max Luthy | California State University Berkeley
Samantha-Lynn Martinez | University of Washington
Taylor “Marin” Hodge | Florida State University
Zachary Garmoe | Montana State University
Seafloor Mapping & Hydrography Interns
Heather Maran | recent graduate of University of Washington
Julia Hill | recent graduate of University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
MIDN Victoria Trevino | US Naval Academy
Memphis Washington | The City College of New York
ROV Engineering Interns
Esteban Juan-Torres | University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Jaden Crute | University of South Florida
Mackenzie Hilburn | Missouri University of Science and Technology