Science & Engineering Internship Program

interns at work
Marley Parker

The Nautilus Science and Engineering Internship Program (SEIP) aims to train and provide real-world experience for community college, undergraduate, and graduate students studying ocean sciences, technology, engineering, and video in the at-sea environment. Intern positions entail 3-5 week periods working aboard E/V Nautilus as Data Loggers, Seafloor Mappers, Navigators, ROV Pilots, or Video Engineers. All interns spend their time on Nautilus working with a wide array of scientists, engineers, students, and educators.

OET offers five types of paid internships through SEIP: Ocean Science, Seafloor Mapping & Hydrography, Video Systems Engineering, Navigation, and ROV Engineering.

  • Ocean Science interns learn to make scientific observations, summarize scientific dive information, and preserve physical samples.
  • ROV Engineering interns learn to maintain and operate our remotely operated vehicles and associated systems.
  • Video Systems Engineering interns learn to operate camera controls for the remotely operated vehicles’ video systems and work with lead engineers in the operation and maintenance of all video systems aboard Nautilus.
  • The Navigation Internship is offered in partnership with the US Naval Academy and US Coast Guard Academy for cadets and midshipmen from those institutions.
  • Seafloor Mapping & Hydrography interns learn to acquire, manage, and process seafloor mapping data from a multibeam sonar, sub-bottom profiler, and auxiliary sensors (e.g. CTD, XBT).  

All interns gain experience in communications and leadership, including participation in educational outreach activities like broadcasts on and live ship-to-shore connections with classrooms. All internships include a paid stipend for participation along with travel to/from the expedition funded and arranged by OET. OET is committed to including and amplifying role models from all backgrounds. We encourage a broad pool of applicants, particularly students from communities near our expedition locations. 


The most rewarding element was making connections with people that I feel at home with...the team really made the experience so much more than an internship. It helped me figure out what I want to do with my life, and that there isn't just one way to reach those goals.  

Ocean Science Intern

Applications for the 2025 Science and Engineering Internship Program are now closed. 

Applicants will be notified of their interview status by January 31, 2025


All of the Hercules/Argus pilots were extremely supportive and patient, which allowed for a learning environment where I was not afraid to ask questions. Plus, I further developed my communication skills speaking with the general public and sharing my excitement for ocean exploration.

ROV Engineering Intern