Life at Extremes: Biology of Brine Pools and Methane Seeps - 2014 (Remastered!)
Looking back at our 15 years of ocean exploration, we can’t help but reminisce on our 2014 adventures documenting the myriad natural and cultural resources that lie in U.S. waters for the joint National Geographic and 60-minute television special The Unknown America. This video gives us a peek into the biology of some of the most extreme environments in the Gulf of Mexico: a brine pool and a methane seep.
Watch as ROV Hercules captures thousands of mussels making their home around a brine pool (an area that is 3-5 times saltier than the surrounding ocean water). Our Corps of Exploration was searching for symbionts and studying how different species interact in such a unique environment. Stay till the end for a quick look at a methane seep!

Exploring Unknown America
This expedition focused on documenting the myriad natural and cultural resources that lie in U.S. waters for the joint National Geographic and 60 minutes television special, The Unknown America.