Explore at Home: Creativity in Science, Art, and Tech Panel
How is creativity integral to scientific research, artistic practice, and technology development? What do these fields share and how do they overlap? Not all ocean explorers, thinkers, and creatives are ocean scientists or engineers. In this event learn about how creativity is central to many types of work. Meet Corps of Exploration member Megan Lubetkin in conversation with Peyton Lee, a comic artist and computer and marine science student, Caleb Hawkins, an architectural designer, and a design in technology graduate student, Natasha Miller, a performance poet and the community engagement manager at the Detroit Science Gallery, and John Crawford, an intermedia artist and professor. Learn how they all discovered and pursued their interests, what their latest projects are, why creativity is critical for social and environmental works, and how they hope to shape the future of transdisciplinary projects and collaborations. This event originally aired November 9, 2020.
This event developed in partnership with CITGO.

Benthic Communities and their Biopharmaceutical Potential
In this interdisciplinary expedition on the Exploration Vessel Nautilus, we intend to study the Southern California Borderland benthic communities to better grasp the biotic diversity, biopharmaceutical potential, and the substrate mineral composition of the ecosystems.