Expedition Overview: Mapping Pacific Seamounts
As E/V Nautilus’ operations move for the first time to areas around Hawaiian Islands, this expedition will conduct mapping while in transit over August 6-19, 2018, from Sidney, British Columbia to Hilo, Hawai'i. The transit route has been planned to fill in gaps in seabed mapping coverage across the Pacific, plus targeted mapping of a number of seamounts in the vicinity of the Murray Fracture zone. Nautilus will also do some initial mapping of recent lava flow from Kīlauea Volcano.

Pacific Seamount Mapping
This expedition is primarily a transit mapping leg from Sidney, British Columbia to Hilo, Hawai'i as the E/V Nautilus’ operations move for the first time to areas around Hawai'i. The transit route has been planned to fill in gaps in seabed mapping coverage across the Pacific, plus targeted mapping of a number of seamounts in the vicinity of the Murray Fracture zone.