Stephen Gormican
Steve Gormican is the Chair of Environmental Technology at Camosun College in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He is a biological oceanographer and has worked in the private sector and well as the public. His areas of expertise include environmental impact assessment as related to ocean sewage discharge, oil shipment and nearshore development. As an academic, he teaches aquatics both in the classroom as well as field skills for water and sediment sampling in marine and freshwater environments.
Steve Gormican graduated with a B.Sc in Zoologyin 1980 from the University of British Columbia and obtained his M.Sc. in Oceanography, also from UBC, in 1989.
"I have been interested in ocean exploration from a young age, when Jacques Cousteau was bringing the new frontier into my world via television. An opportunity to sail on the Nautilus is a fulfillment of a childhood dream and life dedicated to the ocean environment."
Stephen participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: