Stacey Gale
Stacy Gale is a STEM Specialist at the Paul Cuffee Elementary School, a maritime charter school in Providence, RI. For the past two years, Stacy has been supporting the science program at Paul Cuffee, specifically working with staff and students in grades 3 - 5 on Inquiry Based Instruction. This is the first year Paul Cuffee will have a STEM program and Stacy is extremely excited to kick it off with her Nautilus experience! Prior to working at the Paul Cuffee School, Stacy taught science and math at St. Bridget School in Framingham and at the Blanchard School in Boxborough, MA.
Stacy Gale graduated from Springfield College in 1998 with her MS in Physical Therapy. Since then. Stacy has gone on to acquire her education certification in general science.
Stacey participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: