Sarah Wilson
Sarah has worked around the globe in marine science research, managing informal learning centers and aquariums, creating marine conservation and outreach campaigns, and IMAX films. Her most recent positions were Ocean Education and Outreach Manager with National Geographic Society and MacGillivray Freeman Films. Her love of the sea and science has shaped her career into a lifelong pursuit of sharing this knowledge with others through new media, extensive curriculum and science writing, and leading immersive nature expeditions and experiences around the world for all school grades and the public.
Sarah graduated from the University of California Santa Cruz with a degree in Biology and has a masters degree from San Diego State University in Science Education.
"We live on a blue planet, covered 71% by ocean, which is mostly unexplored and I have known since 2nd grade I wanted to be a marine biolgist. A quote that I truly believe in by Baba Dioum states "In the end we only conserve what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught". The E/V Nautilus sails with the objectives of ocean exploration and sharing this live with the world..being here is a dream come true for me!"
Sarah participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: