Rhonda Moniz
Rhonda Moniz is an ROV Pilot/Engineer, Diving Safety Officer, and Underwater Cinematographer. She has also worked over the past twenty years, as a lead Science Diver and Diving Instructor. Ms. Moniz is founder and Director of Operations for Benthic Exploration, a company specializing in marine technology including ROV, AUV, Side scan, and sub-bottom profiling technology.
She has worked as an Open Water SCUBA Instructor and has attained Master Instructor Rating with the Professional Association of Diving Instructors. As an Instructor Ms. Moniz has taught at a number of Universities including, Suffolk University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tufts University, Boston University, Dean College, and the University of Massachusetts-Marine Science and Technology Campus.
She has served as the lead science diver and underwater cinematographer for the University of Massachusetts – Marine Science and Technology Campus, and the University of Rhode Island. She has worked as the underwater Director of Photography for the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Museum of Natural History in New Mexico and has acted as Science Advisor for the underwater-segment for “Evolution” an eight hour PBS series for NOVA. She has also worked on several Discovery Channel productions.
Ms. Moniz is a full member of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences, Divers Alert Network and, the Boston Sea Rovers.She has published a number of articles for both magazines and newspapers. She is currently working on a novel.
Rhonda participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: