Paul Johnson
Paul is currently the data administrator for the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM) at the University of New Hampshire. Besides minding the data stores at CCOM, Paul is also a part of the Multibeam Advisory Committee, funded by the National Science Foundation, who's mission is to ensure consistent high-quality multibeam data are collected across the U.S. Academic Research Fleet. Prior to working at CCOM, Paul spent time in the remote sensing industry as a scientist processing and visualizing hyperspectal imagery associated with coral reefs, forestry, and aircraft detection. More recently, he was the interim director of the Hawaii Mapping Research Group at the University of Hawaii where he specialized in the acquisition, processing, and visualization of data from both multibeam mapping systems and towed near bottom mapping systems.
Paul Johnson graduated with an M.S. in Geology and Geophysics from the University of Hawaii at Manoa in 2006.
Paul participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: