Nicolas Waldmann
Nicolas is a marine geologist with background in geophysics and sedimentological processes. He jumped into the "big pond" after several years of working on lakes in Patagonia, Northern Europe and the Middle East. He is currently associated with the University of Bergen in Norway were he conducts his postdoc research on gas hydrates distribution on the Mid Norwegian margins and their relation to seeping features on the seafloor and slope instability. In Bergen, Nicolas is associated as well with other studies related to source-to-sink sedimentary processes in the North Atlantic. Previously, he accomplished his Ph.D. thesis at the University of Geneva in Switzerland, where he performed a geophysical and paleoclimatological research on a lake in Tierra del Fuego, southernmost Patagonia. Results from that study were published in several peer-reviewed scientific journals. He has participated as well in several exploration cruises in the North Atlantic and the Barents Sea.
Nicolas participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: