Maximilian Cremer
Maximilian Cremer is a submersible pilot and ROV operator for the University of Hawaii School of Ocean, Earth Science and Technology. Max has been diving manned submersibles for 15 years and joined the growing sector of robotic subsea vehicles in 2013. He began his career in deep ocean operations as a support diver, small boat operator and member of the Hawaii Undersea Research Lab's maintenance team in 1998. Prior to that, he worked as an analyst in a radiochemical laboratory at the University of Hawaii Department of Oceanography, specializing in Uranium-series age dating of marine materials. Max did his graduate work in the early 1990's on Loihi Seamount, a submarine volcano south of Hawaii, which was his initial exposure to deep submergence operations.
Maximilian Cremer graduated in 1987 from Bonn University, Germany, with a degree in Geology and Paleontology. He began his graduate studies at the Institut für Meereskunde at Kiel, Germany, before transferring to the University of Hawaii, where he received his Master of Science in Geochemical Oceanography in 1994.
"My interest in ocean exploration was sparked at a very young age, when both my father and grand father independently brought me books about "The Seven Seas" and Jacques Cousteau's "Sharks". Fascination with the unlit abyss, and the thrill of "what's around the next corner?", is an unbroken thread weaving itself through my professional career, and I am excited to explore "Telepresence Enabled Exploration" as a means to bring awareness of the hidden 70 percent of our planet's surface to the public at large."
Maximilian participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: