Marisol Gonzalez Flores
Tell us about your work/ research. What kinds of things do you do?
I am a second-year student dual degree in Criminology and Geoscience. Currently, I am researching the processes by which tectonic exhumation occurs in Taiwan with Professor Jonathan Lewis and the Tecto Lab Team at IUP. My specialty is in Geochemistry which helps us understand how certain minerals react to the subduction zone present on the island of Taiwan. The geochemical data I have can help us understand what exactly happens during exhumation on the island. By examining minerals through our thin sections, I can trace back the history and steps of the exhumation process. This can help us trace back the topography of Taiwan and predict future exhumation events. I hope to continue this research for the rest of my undergrad career, get my PhD in something Geoscience-related, and eventually combine both of my degrees and pursue Environmental Law and Justice.
What sparked your initial interest in your career?
I have always loved the natural world and enjoyed Earth Sciences in High School. I did not expect to become a Geoscience major in college, but I took a class with a lab and loved it! I had originally come in just as a Criminology major but both career paths involve problem solving and the understanding of why something happens. With Geoscience, I love how something can always be proven and tied to a certain event. Geochemistry specifically has been a challenging yet intriguing field. Being able to figure out how or why something happens from something as small as a mineral is fascinating!
Who influenced you or encouraged you the most?
I would say my parents had a huge influence on me by pushing me hard to achieve my dreams. As a first-generation immigrant student, a college education seemed foreign to me. My parents, however, always taught me to work hard for everything, even if it seemed foreign. Besides my parents, my highschool mentor, Loretta Perna, helped me achieve this dream, and professors like Jonathan Lewis have opened the world of geology to me.
What element of your work/ study do you think is the most fascinating?
The most fascinating thing about my work has been being able to have opportunities like this! I have loved different elements of my research so far, but being in the field and getting to experience things first hand is the most rewarding.
How did you get involved with Ocean Exploration Trust? How did you become part of the expedition team?
I heard about STEMSEAS during my first year at IUP by Professor Lewis during our very first lecture. I applied for the expeditions in the following months, I interviewed but was not able to attend that summer. I am extremely excited to be able to participate this year!
What other jobs led you to your current career?
I have always loved jobs that allow me to interact and work with others. besides a customer service job, I worked as a Spanish-to-English translator for a tire factory in Indiana, and I am also a tour guide at IUP. These jobs have prepared me to put myself out there and allow me to make connections with others (both coworkers and people on the job itself). These jobs have helped me network, build connections, and prepared me to present myself professionally. These skills are extremely important and valuable in the STEM field!
What are your degrees and certifications?
Bachelor of Science in Geoscience
Bachelor of Arts in Criminology
What are your hobbies?
I am active on campus and spend a lot of my free time volunteering. I am a part of IUP Ambassadors, the Latino Student Organization (LaSO), Honors College Student, and a volunteer for our Center of Multicultural Student Leadership and Engagement (MUSCLE). As an Ambassador I work directly with IUP alumni and spend a lot of time attending networking events. Outside of these organizations, I love to read or watch some of my favorite shows!
What advice would you give someone who wants to have a career like yours?
Take the challenge! Do not sell yourself short and keep trying despite how hard it may get. Being able to problem and look at the earth from a different perspective can be so rewarding if you take the challenge with pride.
What excites me the most is being able to travel at sea and see potential marine animals!
Marisol participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: