Leslie Carrillo Lorenzo
Tell us about your academic interests. What subjects / topics are you most excited by?
After taking an Environmental Science course, I realized I am passionate about Earth’s systems and how humans alter the environment. I am excited to be attending Freestyle Academy next year where I can use my E.S knowledge to inform my community through the usage of media.
What sparked your initial interest in STEM?
I didn’t give it much thought, I was in class when a classmate started talking about Robotics and perhaps it was the passion in his voice but he made it sound so awesome that I ended up showing up to one of the meetings and I’ve never looked back.
Who has influenced you or encouraged you the most so far?
My parent’s hard work is what motivates me everyday. I see how tiring their jobs are but how resilient and hopeful they remain because of the future they envision for me. I want to provide for them and make their American Dream come true and this has influenced me to push myself academically.
What prompted you to apply to the HRP program? What are you most interested in seeing / doing while on the ship?
I was instantly intrigued when I read about the offshore component, after that every other detail was like a “BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE!” It definitely seemed like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, despite my parent’s hesitation and the fact that the program was immensely competitive, I applied anyways. I can’t wait to see all the diverse marine life, work in the WetLab, and meet/work alongside incredibly talented engineers and scientists.
Have you received any special awards or certifications?
I’ve received a Latino Achievement Award two consecutive years for school service.
What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
I enjoy hiking with my dog, as well as going to the beach. But what I end up doing more often is just staying in, catching up on the news and binge watching TedTalks.
What advice would you give to younger students who are interested in pursuing STEM opportunities?
First of all, congratulations, you are now part of the cool kids club. Like most life choices, you have to make sure you are doing it for the right reasons or else it won’t be worth your time. Which brings me to my next point, to be good at something not only do you need to be passionate about it but you also have to dedicate a lot of time to it.
What is a favorite quote or a quote that inspires you?
Collect moments, not things.
What would your dream job be?
One where I get to travel and interact with people.
Leslie participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: