Larkin Bohn
Tell us about your work/ research. What kinds of things do you do?
Nothing brings me more joy than inspiring people to follow their dreams! This has led me into Science Communication where I get to work with different scientists on a variety of expeditions around the world! I specialize in bridging the gap between the science community and the general public using fun, interactive educational videos! After having online meetings with the scientists I come up with a game plan on how to interpret the research. Tour, the real fun begins onboard by building relationships and collecting footage of the crew and science party. You never know what is going to happen on an expedition and I love that element of adventure! I always start out with a plan but, Mother Nature is the one really in control. Having a plan while staying flexible and being able to let the magic unfold has proven to be a winning combination for me!
What sparked your initial interest in your career?
The years of working as a sailor on research vessels, my insatiable curiosity and my love of sharing cool things on video all came together when I first heard about Science Communication as a career. I was making videos of the research being done onboard to share with friends and family back home for fun. When the scientists saw the videos, they wanted to hire me to make more right away. And so began my Outreach career!
Who influenced you or encouraged you the most?
My biggest influence or drive is my cousins little girl, Juniper. If I had seen the kinds of videos I make when I was her age, my whole life might have been different. I want to make sure she and people of all ages know they can accomplish anything they set their mind to! There have also been a number of wonderful scientists always encouraging me to make and share more content. Their support has made all the difference!
What element of your work/ study do you think is the most fascinating?
One of the most interesting jobs I’ve had just ended in Italy. I was onboard the JOIDES Resolution for two months at sea during which time we used the deep sea science drilling Derrick to collect samples over 3,500 meters below the oceans surface! Experiencing and explaining operations on this one of a kind vessel was incredible!
How did you get involved with Ocean Exploration Trust? How did you become part of the expedition team?
I got to know Sharon through USSSP and the JOIDES Resolution. This is a wonderful next step in my Science Communication career. I have not been in a mentoring role and feel it is perfect timing shortly after my time on the JR. I learned so much during my time there that I am looking forward to sharing with everyone!
What other jobs led you to your current career?
Becoming a Science Communicator has been a long, winding road. I truly believe it is the large experience hat I get to pull from that makes my work so unique and effective. From my 12 years as a sailor (in a variety of roles) to my time learning video and social media to even my years bartending (helping me easily speak to strangers) … it has all come together and created a product unlike any other. I encourage everyone I meet to follow their passions, if even for a small time just to test it out. It can play into other aspects of your life you can’t even imagine at the time. My own skills have combined in a way I would have never imagined!
What are your degrees and certifications?
I went to a variety of colleges and enough majors to rack up plenty of student loans but, never finished and received a degree. I decided I would leave university until I found something I could stick with. That turned out to be working on expedition vessels which I needed credentials for. I have plenty of sailor certifications (Captain 100ton, Mate 200 Ton, Navigation, Fast Rescue Boat, Fire Fighting Team) but, the college degree is something I am still working on. Good news, my last expedition inspired me to go back to school! I’m looking into the University of Hawaii Spring 2025!
What are your hobbies?
I love all things involved with the water (scuba and freediving, surfing, swimming, driving boats) and dancing!! Dancing anywhere I can!
What advice would you give someone who wants to have a career like yours?
Nothing is a waste of time if it is important to you! If I listened to that little voice saying,”Stop playing with videos on your phone, nothing is going to come of it and you are wasting your time” I would not be where I am today. Everything is connected, the trick is, figuring out how it’s connected. The more diverse your skill set, the better! You never know what is going to lend its hand to your project so explore all your passions!
What excites me most about deep ocean exploration is how it connects people around the world and the endless possibilities!! Possibilities in collaborations, new discoveries, and the opportunities to teach more people about this fascinating world!
Larkin participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: