Joshua Carlson
Joshua Carlson is a mechanical engineer and computer programmer. He works as a contract engineering designing components for deep sea vehicles as well as operating and maintaining them at sea and on shore. He has a diverse and varied background ranging from using a modified autonomous underwater vehicles to observe and analyze ocean turbulence to creating graphical user interfaces to monitor and analyze ship and vehicle systems in real time. He current interests include embedded systems, computer vision and machine learning algorithms. When not at sea Joshua resides in Providence, Rhode Island.
Joshua Carlson attended the University of Massachusetts, receiving a degree in mechanical engineering with a minor in business administrations. He went on to receive a masters degree in physical oceanography with a focus on ocean turbulence from the School for Marine Science and Technology at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
"I am always looking for a new experience, a bit of adventure and something new to learn. Ocean exploration provides all of them."
Joshua participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: