Jeff Anderson
Tell us about your work / research. What kinds of things do you do?
Conduct stationary and towed SCUBA diving surveys, including direct observation and photo documentation, to provide spatially comprehensive, high-resolution demographic data for coral reef ecosystem benthic assemblages, including (but not limited to) size structure, density, condition (i.e. disease or bleaching), recruitment, and how they spatially relate to each other to assess and monitor the long-term health of coral reef ecosystems in the U.S. Pacific states and territories; Operate advanced technology devices including SeaBED-class AUV, Seasled towed camera, and automated stereo cameras with responsibilities including assembling, debugging, maintaining, programming, deploying and recovering those technology assets to assess and monitor the long-term health of marine ecosystems along the western U.S., the U.S. Pacific states and territories, Central America, and the Arctic/Antarctic; assemble basemap data from a variety of sources and use ArcGIS for survey planning and survey data display and analysis; shoot and edit still and video imagery, and write accompanying text, for producing print, presentation, and video publications.
What are your degrees and certifications?
B.S.E.- Electrical Engineering, NOAA Working Diver, NOAA Scientific Diver, NAUI Master SCUBA Diver, PADI Master SCUBA Diver Trainer, DAN Oxygen Provider, EFR Adult CPR & AED, EFA First Aid
What are your hobbies?
SCUBA Diving; Nature Photography
Jeff participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: