Jason Meyer
Tell us about your work/ research. What kinds of things do you do?
I specialize in acquiring seafloor mapping data ocean scientists use to explore and make discoveries. My role during this expedition will be to oversee that the best possible bathymetric data is being collected and that the scientists aboard are getting the necessary products they need for their work. If I’m available, I also enjoy volunteering to help other scientists and deck crew complete their duties.
What sparked your initial interest in your career?
My career path was conceived from a love of the ocean and rock climbing. I have always had a passion for swimming and the water in general. Rock climbing opened my eyes to the world of geology. These two pursuits led me to my bachelor studies of marine geology.
Who influenced you or encouraged you the most?
Growing up, my family provided me the encouragement and opportunity to pursue my life’s passions. I owe them the most gratitude!
What element of your work/ study do you think is the most fascinating?
Mapping an area of the seafloor that has never been adequately explored before and subsequently be involved in further ROV investigation. Also, traveling around the world, experiencing different research ships, and meeting people from all walks of life.
How did you get involved with Ocean Exploration Trust? How did you become part of the expedition team?
I have wanted to sail on the Nautilus for some time now. Because I have loads of experience with the same mapping equipment and procedures from sailing on other ships, OET reached out to me to fill this role. I am honestly very grateful for this opportunity!
What other jobs led you to your current career?
Ever since leaving graduate school I have worked as a marine surveyor. I began working as a hydrographer in the San Francisco Bay area for a startup survey company which provided me the experience and confidence to start my own contracting company. After about 9 years of inshore, shallow water surveying I was given the opportunity to branch out into offshore exploration.
What are your degrees and certifications?
Bachelor of Science in Geology - University of Hawai'i 2002; Masters of Science in Geology - University of South Carolina - 2006; NSPS/THSOA Certified Hydrographer - 2013
What are your hobbies?
I love surfing, climbing, hiking, playing guitar, and spending time with my family!
What advice would you give someone who wants to have a career like yours?
Follow your interests, have confidence, get involved, and take advantage of opportunities!
Jason participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: