Howard Mendlovitz
Howard Mendlovitz is an engineer in the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Howard has been developing tools and processes for understanding marine geochemistry for over 20 years. In the last 5 years, one of his projects has involved developing new sensor systems that capture both snap shots and long term chemical records of the changing marine environment in the Gulf of Mexico.
Howard Mendlovitz graduated from North Carolina State University with B.S. in Chemical Engineering as well as a minor in Computer Sciences.
"I have been lucky enough over the years to work with some incredible people in amazing environments such as the Brazilian rain forests, the Aquarius Underwater Habitat, and deep sea hydrothermal environments via the ALVIN submersible. I am excited to go aboard the E/V Nautilus as this research endeavor offers me another opportunity to work with more incredible people and, together, push the frontiers of research."
Howard participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: