Gregory Mulder
Greg Mulder is a Professor in Physical Sciences at Linn-Benton Community College in Albany, Oregon. Greg teaches classes such as Physics with Calculus of Scientists and Engineers, Astronomy, Energy and Society and History of Science. Greg is also mentor for the LBCC ROV team with which he has spent several summers exploring underwater volcanic formations in Oregon's Newberry Caldera and competes annually in the Maritime Advanced Technology Education Center's international ROV competition. Greg's academic interests include computational physics, physics education research, and using arduino microcontrollers in undergraduate research and design classes. For fun Greg likes to travel to climb mountain, visit ancient astronomical observatories, and explore underwater by ROV and by SCUBA tank. Greg also enjoys playing Ultimate Frisbee in Corvallis and at pick-up games while traveling.
Greg grew up and completed high school in the coastal community of Reedsport, Oregon. After completing an undergraduate degree in Physics at Oregon State University and the University of Kalrsuhe, Germany, he completed his Masters in Physics at University of California in Irvine.
"My main goals in life are to learn, experience and explore. We are lucky to live in an era of knowledge and exploration and I am excited to be part of the Nautilus' 2015 Summer Team."
Gregory participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: