Gideon Tibor
Dr. Gideon Tibor did his Ph.D. (1988-1992) in marine geophysics at Tel-Aviv University on “Quantitative basin analysis of the Late Tertiary Levant passive continental margin, Eastern Mediterranean and its implications to the understanding of the Messinian event”. In 2000 he joined IOLR as senior scientist specializing in high resolution marine geophysics and ocean color remote sensing. In 2008 he joined the new Charney School of Marine Sciences in Haifa University as part time senior lecturer responsible for the student training cruise. Over the past 20 years he organized and led many high resolution marine geophysical research cruises in the water bodies in and around Israel and was a recipient of many national and international research grants. Some of his main research objectives are the Holocene evolution of the Sea of Galilee and the Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba, the Messinian Event and its influence on Eastern Mediterranean processes and developing innovative ways to monitor water quality in real time using remote sensing sensors.
Gideon participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: