Daniel Finamore
Dan Finamore is the Russell W. Knight Curator of Maritime Art and History at the Peabody Essex Museum, where he has organized over fifteen exhibitions on a wide range of maritime topics. His job involves the management, interpretation and display of a collection comprised of 50,000 paintings, models, charts, ship lines, navigating instruments and decorative arts. He has conducted extensive archaeological field research in Belize and elsewhere with a focus on European and American maritime communities both at sea and ashore. He is the author and/or editor of five books, including Maritime History as World History and Fiery Pool: The Maya and the Mythic Sea.
Dan Finamore studied anthropology at Vassar College and received his MA and PhD in Archaeology from Boston University. He received the Society for American Archaeology's Dissertation Award for his maritime archaeological research in Belize.
"For many years I have researched the maritime archaeology of Belize - on foot, in small boats and in archives. Now I'm excited to be a part of the first deep-water survey of the area, one that has the potential to answer significant questions and yield a whole new realm of insights about the maritime history and prehistory of the region."
Daniel participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: