Crista Kieley
Tell us about your academic interests. What subjects / topics are you most excited about?
I'm most interested in science and art. I've loved my biology and chemistry classes at Beaumont, and had an amazing time studying oceanography at OSU's Stone Laboratory, I've also been pursuing art through my school's four-year studio art program.
What sparked your initial interest in STEM?
My initial interest in STEM came about through my science classes, because I've loved the material we've covered in biology and chemistry. Through the Beaumont Academic Scholars Program I've also been fortunate to participate in several STEM related programs off campus, many of which were related to marine science.
Who has influenced you or encouraged you the most so far?
My teachers this year have shown me endless support and encouragement from the moment I approached them about this program, and without them this opportunity would not be possible for me.
What prompted you to apply to the HRP program? What are you most excited about seeing / doing while on the ship?
After completing my oceanography course we found this program, and HRP sounded like a perfect fit. I applied because I believe I've found my passion in studying the sea, and this program will allow me to experience and learn so much. I hope to share everything I learn with my community, and hope that others will come to love the sea as much as I do. I'm most interested to observe the equipment used aboard the vessel and learn how the different devices function.
Have you received any special awards or certifications?
I am a member of NHS, and have received the NHS Spirit Award and recognition by NHS for being in the top ten of my class. I am also a member of NAHS (National Art Honor Society), and have participated in the Memory Project though that organization. I've received subject awards in world history and microeconomics. Over the course of two years, I've been fortunate to advance to the Western Reserve District 5 Science Fair twice, and advance to the state competition once. I've also been fortunate to receive scholarships for art, experiences, academics, both through my high school and OSU.
What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun?
My hobbies include playing softball, volunteering, drawing, and painting.
What advice would you give to younger students who are interested in pursung STEM opportunities?
I would advise younger students with an interest in STEM to begin taking advantage of these incredible opportunities as early as possible. Many wonderful programs exist for students of all ages, but as you get older some of these opportunities become more competitive. The more experience you acquire in a field you love, the better off you'll be.
What is a favorite quote or a quote that inspires you?
"Sometimes we are lucky enough to know that our lives have been changed, to discard the old, embrace the new, and run headlong down an immutable course. It happened to me ... on that summer’s day, when my eyes were opened to the sea." — Jacques Yves Cousteau, Oceanographer
What would your dream job be?
My dream job would combine fine arts and marine science, which are both incredibly important to me.
Crista participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: