Carl Kaiser
Carl Kaiser is the AUV operations manager for the National Deep Submergence Facility and a Research Engineer in the Deep Submergence Lab at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He received his BS, MS and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Colorado State University with a specialty in Robotics. Following graduate school, he worked for Agilent Technologies setting up manufacturing and supply chains in Southeast Asia. He came to Woods Hole in 2010 in order to return to a more research focused career and took over management of the Sentry AUV in 2011 with the express mission of converting a developmental vehicle into a routinely operational vehicle which is still flexible enough to undertake novel missions nearly half the time. His research interests include human robot interaction, adaptive survey techniques, underwater sensing, and AUV technology in general. When not at work or at sea, he is an avid diver, hiker, and tinkerer.
Carl Kaiser has a BS, MS, and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Colorado State University.
Carl participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: