
Explore From Home

Using the power of telepresence, Ocean Exploration Trust connects learners around the world with exciting events diving into the topics, technologies, and careers in ocean exploration. Programs introduce learners to professional explorers from the Corps of Exploration and bring the latest discoveries from expeditions straight to audiences whether at home or in school.


Meet the Team student and career features are interactive opportunities to meet early career professionals who study and work in ocean science, technology, and engineering. Learn about their pathways and explore the many possibilities in STEM careers!

Side by side image collage of a woman diving underwater a dolphin a coastline in Hawaii, multiple peoples hands working on a water sampler and a shark

From Shore to the Abyss Project Panels bring learners to coastal ecosystems to learn about exciting research projects focused on the conservation of coral reefs made possible through OET’s expedition experience alongside research teams from the National Geographic Society. Learn about these teams' passions for stewardship, cutting-edge technologies, and citizen science techniques!

Nautilus from a drone

Next on Nautilus expedition overviews feature the latest updates from the 2022 Nautilus expedition in the Central Pacific. Join our team to recap thrilling discoveries and preview science and technology developments you can see on Nautilus Live.

View Past Events

Technology Spotlight: Midwater Mission Specialist HROV Mesobot

Friday, September 24, 2021 — 5:00 am Hawaii • 8:00 am Pacific • 11:00 am Eastern

During the September OECI Technology Testing expedition, new underwater vehicles are onboard E/V Nautilus to test, revise, and refine new methods of ocean exploration. Join this live Q&A to meet the team of engineers and scientists working hard to develop technologies to understand the vast mid-water portion of the ocean, beneath the sunlight and above the seafloor. Bring your questions for Dr. Annette Govindarajan leading efforts to sample midwater biodiversity with tiny DNA strands, Dr. Allan Adams leading measurements of the tiny fractions of light that penetrate the deep ocean, engineer Molly Curran on the challenges of developing new piloting technology, and Dr. Dana Yoerger sharing the importance of linking shipboard and vehicle technologies.  

Watch live on YouTube or Facebook!

Next on Nautilus:

New Technology Operations Demonstrations on Nautilus

Thursday, September 23, 2021 — 6:00 am Hawaii • 9:00 am Pacific • 12:00 pm Eastern

Next on Nautilus events feature the latest from the 2021 Nautilus expedition in the Eastern and Central Pacific. Join a conversation with the team aboard E/V Nautilus as we depart for our Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute-funded expedition to test new concepts of operations combining ROVs, AUVs, and hybrid ROVs to push forward our technological capabilities for exploration.  Meet the engineers from Ocean Exploration Trust and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and get your questions answered about the robotic technology developments you will see in the upcoming expedition on Nautilus Live.

Watch live on YouTube or Facebook!

Next on Nautilus:

Expedition to #ONCAbyss

Wednesday, August 11, 2021 — 11:00 am Hawaii • 2:00 pm Pacific • 5:00 pm Eastern

Preview the August E/V Nautilus expedition with Ocean Networks Canada in a live conversation with the scientists, engineers, and students aboard the ship in their first days at sea. For a month, the team will investigate the abyssal plain, hydrothermal vents, and conduct dual-ship operations deploying and installing Earth-observing instruments for an ocean observatory across the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate. Bring your questions and join the conversation about new ocean technology and the engineering challenges of working on a geologically active seafloor! 

Watch the event on YouTube or on Facebook!

Next on Nautilus:

Sailing over Subduction Seeps

Monday, July 19, 2021 — 9:30 am Hawaii • 12:30 pm Pacific • 3:30 pm Eastern

Off the coasts of Oregon, Washington, and Northern California lies the Cascadia Margin, an area where E/V Nautilus and other research vessels have mapped and found over 3,500 bubble plumes from methane seeps. A team arrives on Nautilus in days led by Dr. Tamara Baumberger and Susan Merle to study these environments never before seen with cameras. 

Next on Nautilus:

Big Reasons To Love Tiny Forams

Tuesday, July 13, 2021 — 11:00 am Hawaii • 2:00 pm Pacific • 5:00 pm Eastern

Tiny creatures can play an oversized role in ocean functions! Join expedition scientists Dr. Joan Bernhard, Chris Powers, and artist Terry Conrad as they discuss why foraminifera — forams for short — are important in understanding the health and chemical makeup of the ocean. Learn about plans to collect these tiny organisms with ROV Hercules, what we can learn from forams, why we’re searching for them across the Santa Barbara Basin, and what fascinating art was inspired by capturing these organisms.